I've been working with websites since the days of Flash. I have been following HTML and development with the internet since 2006. Likewise, I understand the functionalities of objects on a website and how to handle them. I worked with image editing for catalogs, where I learned to edit and process images with Photoshop. Video editing in some freelance jobs. Worked to as motion design with After Effects. I have experience in customer service, website production. Currently, I work with other designers, working as front-end and WordPress programmer.
In 2010, I graduated at Graphic Design, and now, in 2022 I'm finishing my graduation as a Computer Systems Analyst, what gave me a lot of DevOps background.
What can
I do?
- Web site development;
- HTML, CSS and JS;
- Wordpress templates from scratch;
- User Interface Design;
- Video edit;
- After Effects animation;
- Logos;
- React websites or applications.
Where Did
I Work
- Santa Tv;
- Univesp;
- Tv Cultura;
- CBC (Brazilian Catalogs Central);
- Senai;
- Animal filmes;
- Doppio Studio;
- Puntorec;
- Estúdio Armondes.
s k i l l s
Adobe apps
Ai Ps An In Pr Ae Au Xd
Design apps
FIGMA Fireworks
HTML5 CSS JS Java PHP Wordpress Angular React Jquery UML Mongo SQL NOSQL GIT python SEO Agile flowcharts
Operational Systems
Windows Linux Mac
Teamwork &
scheduling tasks
Miro Trello Jira Notion
Graphic Design
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
2006 - 2011
Castilla la Mancha University
espanha - 2009
Computer Systems Analyst
Fatec Ipiranga College
2019 - 2022
I can read and watch technical materials and understand. Write is not my best, but I can do. Can speak correctly to
I can read and watch technical materials and understand. Write is not my best, but I can do. Can speak correctly to
Native speaker
Free courses
PHP - Basics - SENAC
Programming logic - Basics - SENAC
Adobe Flash - Basics - SENAC
Java - Introduction - summer course - IME-USP (Math and statistics Institute - São Paulo University)
Quanta - Arts academy - draw and illustration
Google Web Master Tools - E-commerce School
E-commerce manager - E-commerce School
I.O.T. Workshop - Fatec Ipiranga College
*As Design and front-end works around the user I let the information of arts courses I did
*As honorable mentions I did study React, Angular, Mongo, Python, PHP and JS in Fatec Ipiranga Coulege
The websites shown in this section were designed by Victor Toush or Sebastian Vivas. Our clients are some advertising and video production agencies, and some companies.
Sites vary, as each one was made specifically for each client. Most use bootstrap. Some were on WordPress, the template was made by me. One of them was made with the Elementor plugin and WordPress. Some were made with PHP.
Work methodology
My roles vary a lot depending on each job, generally we meet to validate the wireframes, create the sprints and send them to the client for approval. Then I received the layout in Figma and did the Front-end. In some cases I treated the images, or rendered videos, as an ideal format for a particular site.
See the sites I've programmed
Animal Filmes Mooving Forward Clima e desenvolvimento Estudio Armondes Cinemulti Filme possível Cora Post Raio rastreadores Marmovidro Medex Singular Consultórios Puntorec
Booklet made for UNMP, National Union for Popular Housing, entrusted by Alfenas City Hall, in 2010.
The text explains how, from the point of view of the movements, the Self-Management of Popular Housing works.
As our former study called "Estudio Idear" (Portuguese), the names that made up this project are:
- Art direction: João Cabral Périgo
- Cover illustration: André Vannin
- Illustrations: Marcio Baraldi
- Diagramming: Leonardo Suri
This is me
Pay me a visit
My first experience with git was when my friend, Bruno Harnik, created a repo and taught me to commit. This repository was to share files of an application and these assets. It was fantastic because even I and he would have the same files and... Well we know what is git, and I can tell more about this story, but it will be very similar to the experience of most people, I think...
Featured repositories
When we use Git for professional purpose, we have to use private repositories. Below some public repositories for study purpose:
Repositories with college exercises
At my college, of Computer Systems Analyst, some professors asked us, students, to use GitHub to store our exercises. So below I created that simple cloud of tags linking to those repositories.
Front end Angular Fatec PHP MYSQL React Data Base PLSQL Python Tests Junit